Yes...yes, this would do. This would do very nicely. |
Every article I've read says that she declined to sit on the throne (now there's a picture worth seeing), but the way she's eying it in the above pic, she must have given it serious thought. By the way,
context on the picture is that the Queen and her husband were in Belfast, Ireland and visited the set of GoT because she's the Queen and she does what she wants.
I did notice something, in a picture
Time used in their article.
Bitch, you interrupt me again and I'll have them play Rains of Castamere...at your funeral. |
Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, looks like an older Tywin Lannister. Combine that with all of the gold lions on the backs of their thrones and the walls behind me leads to only one conclusion and folks, you might want to hold on your undies, because this will most certainly blow them away: The Royal Family are Lannisters!