Sunday, May 29, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Belgariad by K-HUD

Credit: K-HUD.
I need to finish reading the series. Might have to start with a re-read of Pawn of Prophecy.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Now this is how Red Sonja should look

Credit: Michael C. Hayes.
I've made no secret about my strong dislike of Red Sonja's chain mail bikini. I understand why people like it and I'll readily admit that it can be an awfully satisfying look to the eyes, but it's also just awful and impractical. That's why I like depictions of the She-Devil in actual, practical, common sense armor because while it might not be as sexy as the bikini, as like she doesn't have to worry about disembowelment because her stomach is unprotected or the risk of losing a breast to an errant sword or ax strike.


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